Written on 2/28/2008 07:05:00 PM by simplyverus
I'm really posting this cos i was prompted. My 1st post ever!! Gotta make it good right?
Firstly, VERUS ROCKS!! HahaXD (well at least the active members do=P)
Next,well,this week has been a super-busy week. And tutorials haven't even started. Lolx. I'm predicting i won't be able to live thru J1. Or am i? ok anyways, yuantat, yanling, lichu, daniel and i went to lunch today at j8. It was quite a quiet lunch, no thanks to *ahem* a certain unknown's psp=X(jk yt!) After lunching, lichu left early and the 4 of us went to cat high. It was my 1st time entering a boys' school(and i wasn't nervous ok yt!XP). Anyway,yt was like super excited and kept insisting on taking us to 'explore' his school while i 'psped' away. (PS. YT u have no concubines!XP) The school was okay, but it was really huge.(not optimising land use, i would say!) The stairways in cat high was twice as wide as my sec school's!! We soon returned to aj, where yt.yl and i attended odac meeting regarding a camp tmr. I'm actually pretty excited now and thinking what r we gonna do during the camp.XD (I just hope there's nothing gross we have to do haha. even though i have the feeling we indeed have to do something disgusting=X)
Ending off before i go bag-packing, i hope our 'og' meals can be livlier in the future!!
ps.cheer up ALL verus ppl!!XDXDXD
Verus will always be behind you! Don't feel down!